Bring your own device (BYOD) is a program where students are able to bring their own laptop to school for their learning and connect to the internet through the school's wireless network. This program is supported by the whole Erskine Park High School community, including the parents and citizens' association (P&C), teaching staff and students.
This program is designed to replace the Digital Education Revolution (DER) program which ended in 2013. The school currently have a bank of DER laptops which are used by classes regularly. These laptops will deteriorate and be less useful. The school needs to be proactive to meet student technological needs in the future.
How will our school implement BYOD?
All students (with exception of Years 11 and 12, which is on a voluntary basis) will be expected to bring a device they own or have purchased to school fully charged for use every day.
Prior to the student using their device at school it is important parents/carers and students read the BYOD policy. This can be found on the rules and policies page.
The student and parent or carer agreement (PDF 318KB) must be signed by both the parent/carer and the student. The agreement is to be returned, with the device, to the school's Technical Support Office (TSO) in the library for approval and registration. On approval, a sticker will be placed on the base of the device to verify the device has been registered and meets the device specifications.
What devices are suitable?
It is important the device brought to school is able to connect to the school's wireless network. The school has approved laptops. View the BYOD Specifications for more information.
Note: A mobile phone is not an approved device.
What software will students need?
All devices will need to have the minimum software capabilities of word processing, spread sheets and presentation software. This software is available free to all students at Erskine Park High School to download onto their device from the academic software download centre.
Students are encouraged to use the online services such as Google apps or Microsoft Office 365 to create and store their work. The benefit of these applications is students can access their work from any computer with internet connection.