Erskine Park High School

Pride in Achievement

Telephone02 9834 3536


Our Careers Advisers, Ms Natalie Nix & Ms S Walsh work mainly with Years 9 to 12 students to assist them in their transition from school to the workforce or further education. They are, however, available to have discussions with students and/or parents from any year group who are considering their future options.

Students also have access to the careers library, which contains information on all universities in NSW/ACT, University Admission Centre (UAC), TAFE, private colleges, job network, job guides, individual career information, apprenticeships and traineeships, Centrelink and the jobs pathway program.

Years 9 and 10

Students in Years 9 and 10 careers lessons:

  • prepare for work experience
  • investigate career options using job guides and the Internet
  • are introduced to Vocational Education and Training (VET) courses
  • learn about finding employment, job applications and interview techniques
  • consider options for future employment or education and training
  • complete activities from the school to work logbook.

Year 10 students will also:

  • visit the nepean careers market in July
  • visit the Vocational Education and Training (VET) expo in June
  • experience the Year 10 options day with six seminars to assist with choices after Year 10, including subject selection for the senior school—seminars include TAFE, jobs pathway program, apprenticeships/traineeships, senior school and VET
  • have the opportunity to participate in the work experience programme at the end of the school year
  • attend the Year 10 into Year 11 information evening
  • participate in an individual interview program to assist with the transition to the senior school or to work/further education—individualised head teacher subject selection interviews are part of this.

Year 12

Year 12 students will:

  • attend the Nepean Careers Market
  • attend a seminar program on university life (UWS), TAFE, jobs pathway program, private colleges, University Admission Centre (UAC) applications, Defence forces
  • have a Sydney University campus tour
  • visit the Peter Sheahan Academy of Excellence—study skills, timelines to success, career options, stress management and how to get to university.

Year 12 students participate in an individual interview program to assist with the transition to work and/or further education.

The careers advisers co-ordinate and monitor students in Years 11 and 12 who are completing Vocational Education and Training courses as part of their Higher School Certificate (HSC).

Year 12 students receive a regular seniors newsletter to assist them in planning for their future.